Welcome To Electro-Sapience Road traffic management is a hectic job by itself, and obviously traffic system and officers pay hard t...

Traffic Database system for Vehicles' positions using RFID, GSM module and Transceiver


Welcome To Electro-Sapience

Road traffic management is a hectic job by itself, and obviously traffic system and officers pay hard time trying to manage their limited duties well with limited time and human resources. And if they get access to the records of vehicles wherever those are or wherever those are being driven without extra manual efforts and human resources, it would be unbelievably wonderful at once. 

Yes, something that's so wise and advanced and that can track vehicles without interrupting the driver or traffic officers and finally protect crimes and losing of one's automobile property. Electro-Sapience has the solution to those problem.

It would be an automatic traffic database system installed at road-junctions and highways keeping intervals. The system keeps records of passing vehicles around using RFID. It operates as follows:-

1. The system keeps requesting RFID from vehicles around it.
2. When a vehicle passes, it replies to the system with the provided RFID.
3. The system receives the ID and using GSM transmits it to database computer.
4. The database computer has software designed to keep track of vehicles' RFID and so it knows if the vehicle is entering or exiting the junction.

So, the system overall keeps all records of the vehicles provided with RFID in the city or country in broad aspect and changing traffic management scenario by inducing detail records for security and surveillance.

If anyone's interested in this project and requires help, program code, simulation files, etc. feel free to mail me at furkan_n49@hotmail.com with the title as subject line.

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