Welcome To Electro-Sapience Almost all electronic devices are powered by battery that may vary in voltage but its common for all the ba...

Battery Level Indicator using LM3914


Welcome To Electro-Sapience

Almost all electronic devices are powered by battery that may vary in voltage but its common for all the batteries to hold certain charge level at any instance. So, in order to indicate battery level, we may display it on LEDs' bar or something similar using electronic solution. Without the knowledge of battery level for a battery being used on some appliance, we may get into trouble when battery go empty without prior indication and thus we may end up frustrated. That's why we need some kind of battery level indicator as our safety measure.

One method of doing this is by using LM3914 IC. This IC is often used to indicate different batteries' levels after calibration and also it can indicate low battery conditions. Here we are going to discuss about DIY indicator circuit.

Working Principle:

1. We connect 10 LEDs to the IC for indication,
2. LM3914 converts the voltage from battery to output signal. i.e. Higher the voltage,
 higher the number of LEDs on
3. LM3914 operates with low power to high power that makes it
operable above 3V supply
4. LEDs' brightness can be adjusted by varying resistance between pins 6 and 7.
5. The IC's output can also be fed to TTL and CMOS input for further processing.
6. Using potentiometer forming a voltage divider network between on pin 3, calibration is done.

Component List:

1. 10K OHM Potentiometer for caliberation
2. LEDs for indication
3. LM3914 IC as signal convertor
4. Power supply for IC
5. Battery to be measured

If anyone's interested in this project and requires help, program code, simulation files, etc. feel free to mail me at furkan_n49@hotmail.com with the title as subject line.

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