Welcome To Electro-Sapience LED based moving-message showcases are getting to be mainstream for transmitting data to vast gatherings o...

Microcontroller-Based 16 Segmented Display


Welcome To Electro-Sapience

LED based moving-message showcases are getting to be mainstream for transmitting data to vast gatherings of individuals rapidly. These can be utilized inside or outside. We can discover such shows in ranges like railroad stages, banks, open workplaces,lodgings, preparing organizations, clubs and shops. Contrasted with LEDs, fluid precious stone showcases (LCDs) are anything but difficult to interface with a microcontroller for showing data as these have numerous implicit capacities. Be that as it may, these can't be seen from a separation and substantial size LCDs are excessive.

Driven based presentations can be of two sorts: speck network and segmental. On the off chance that you execute a moving message show with multiplexed dab lattice LEDs, it will be exorbitant for showing 16 characters or more at once. Besides, programming will require a ton of information memory or system memory space. An outside RAM might be expected to supplement a microcontroller like AT89C51.

Be that as it may, on the off chance that you utilize alphanumeric (16-segment LED) shows for the above reason, programming weight is decreased furthermore it turns out to be very financially savvy. You can make your own particular presentation board comprising of 16 alphanumeric characters at a much lower expense.

The circuit exhibited here utilizes 16 normal anode, single-digit, alphanumeric showcases to show 16 characters at once. Besides, programming has been done to make the characters move in a lovely way. A message shows up on the board from the right side, stays for a few moments when the principal character achieves the furthest left place and afterward goes out from the left side. It shows 16 unique messages to portray diverse events, which can be chosen by the client through a DIP switch.

If anyone's interested in this project and requires help, program code, simulation files, etc. feel free to mail me at furkan_n49@hotmail.com with the title as subject line.

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